Tuesday, 11 December 2012

How to calculate the total amount of FireWall Logs per second

### Posting this here for the time being since the support site's SK is broken..

Edit: Not sure why CP runs this with three separate strings...just copy/paste this and you'll get your numbers (sleeps for 120 seconds):

SLEEP_TIME=120;SIZE_BEFORE=$(ls -l $FWDIR/log/fw.logptr | awk '{print $5}') ; sleep $SLEEP_TIME ; SIZE_AFTER=$(ls -l $FWDIR/log/fw.logptr | awk '{print $5}');expr \( $SIZE_AFTER - $SIZE_BEFORE \) \/ \( 4 \* $SLEEP_TIME \)


Follow these steps to calculate/count the total amount of all FireWall Logs per second that arrive to this Security Management Server from all its managed Security Gateways:
  1. Connect to CLI on Security Management Server - over SSH, or console.

    On Multi-Domain Management Server, go to the context of the relevant Domain Management Server: [Expert@HostName]# mdsenv [Domain_Name|Domain_IP]
  2. Go to the Log directory:

    [Expert@HostName]# cd $FWDIR/log
  3. Check by how much the size of the Pointer File grows during specific time
    (the time should be high enough to accumulate enough logs - e.g., 120 sec, 180 sec, etc):

    [Expert@HostName]# ls -l fw.logptr ; sleep SLEEP_TIME ; ls -l fw.logptr
  4. Calculate the log rate per this formula:


    Use these three commands to automate the calculations:

    [Expert@HostName]# SLEEP_TIME=number_of_seconds

    [Expert@HostName]# SIZE_BEFORE=$(ls -l fw.logptr | awk '{print $5}') ; sleep $SLEEP_TIME ; SIZE_AFTER=$(ls -l fw.logptr | awk '{print $5}')

    [Expert@HostName]# expr \( $SIZE_AFTER - $SIZE_BEFORE \) \/ \( 4 \* $SLEEP_TIME \)

    Note: if the rate value has to be used in a shell script, then use this syntax:
    [Expert@HostName]# RATE=$(expr \( $SIZE_AFTER - $SIZE_BEFORE \) \/ \( 4 \* $SLEEP_TIME \))

Friday, 7 December 2012

VSX: Policy installation failing due to "Can't open..."

Hi everyone,

Had a new issue happen to me this morning while pushing to an R67 VSLS cluster. During the push, one MVS reported that all of it's configuration files plus those of it's VS were missing.

This output was taken from $CPDIR/log/cpd.elg, however the message within Dashboard was nearly identical:

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/policy/local.dt

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/policy/local.scv

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/policy/local.lp

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/policy/local.cfg

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/CTX/CTX00002/policy/local.dt

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/CTX/CTX00002/policy/local.scv

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/CTX/CTX00002/policy/local.lp

[7 Dec 12:46:04] file_digest: Can't open /opt/CPsuite-V40/fw1/CTX/CTX00002/policy/local.cfg

etc, etc, for all of the VS (13).

Doing a quick 'ls' for any of those files returned no results...

I'm still not sure how the issue occured (and on only one of the three MVS in the cluster), but running this will correct the issue for you by creating the files all at once:

cat $CPDIR/log/cpd.elg | grep "file_digest: Can't open" | awk '{print "touch",$7}' | sh