Friday, 16 May 2014

Juniper SRX: IF-MAP, source-identity and restrict-source-identity-lookup

The terms for the uninitiated:

IF-MAP, at its core, is a user identity propagation mechanism and protocol. Juniper's implementation allows you to attach 'roles' to a specific user, and create policies that permit or deny traffic based upon said role. In the case of the SRX, the firewall itself does not participate directly in the IF-MAP Federation; It relies on a proprietary communications channel over SSL (JUEP) to an Infranet Controller (IC) to request/receive user identity information.

source-identity is a (but not the only - see UAC) policy match term you can use to leverage IF-MAP on the SRX. The term was introduced in 12.1, and relies on a 'first-packet-drop-lookup' mechanism to handle packets that match the policy. Basically, if a new connection matches a policy with source-identity as a match condition, the firewall will proceed to drop the packet and query the local IC for the user identity/role information of the source IP address, assuming there is not already an entry in it's local database. Depending on the response from the IC, the firewall will then match the user's role to the policy and permit the flow, or, if the user identity does not contain the required role for the policy in question, it will continue doing policy lookups until a terminal match is found further down in the rulebase. IE: These policies are not terminal.

restrict-source-identity-lookup is a hidden feature/command within the 'unified-access-control' stanza that was added into the 12.1X44D30.4 release which is meant to significantly increase the performance of a device leveraging the source-identity feature. What this command does is quite simple; It makes any rule with source-identity terminal. If a flow matches a policy with source-identity while restrict-source-identity-lookup is configured and the user does not have the required role, the session will be denied. As such, it is generally adviseable to place these policies at or near the bottom of the rulebase to avoid issues with unauthenticated (server-to-server) traffic that may share similar source/destination/application information.

To enable the feature, run:
set services unified-access-control restrict-source-identity-lookup

To successfully use the feature in the rulebase however, the security policies themselves get quite a bit more complex. For every policy that utilizes source-identity matching, you must have a 'clone' policy (placed adjacently) that mirrors the match conditions, while using the source-identity of 'unauthenticated-user' AND 'application-services uac-policy'. The second policy with 'unauthenticated-user' is meant to catch an (you guessed it!) unauthenticated user from an unknown source IP and perform a 'first-packet-drop-lookup' to gather their information. Thus, once the source IP address is known, the flow will come back down through the rulebase and match the first source-identity policy with the required role, and either be permitted or outright denied, based on the received information.

To put this in practice, I've made a policy below which will look for users that have the HR_Management role while using restrict-source-identity-lookup:

set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Mgmt_NO-AUTH match source-address any
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Mgmt_NO-AUTH match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Mgmt_NO-AUTH match application junos-https
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Mgmt_NO-AUTH match source-identity unauthenticated-user
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Mgmt_NO-AUTH then permit application-services uac-policy

set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Management match source-address any
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Management match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Management match application junos-https
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Management match source-identity HR_Management
set security policies from-zone Outside to-zone DMZ policy HR_Management then permit

Some additional 'useful' operational commands when dealing with IF-MAP and SRX are:

View the available roles on the Enforcer (SRX):
show services unified-access-control roles

View all users currently active on the device: 
show services unified-access-control authentication-table

View connectivity between the SRX and the IC (state should be 'connected'):
show services unified-access-control status

View available information and roles for a specific IP address:
show services unified-access-control authentication-table ip x.x.x.x detail

View available information and roles for a specific user:
show services unified-access-control authentication-table user username detail